Mobinet LLC provides Internet services to corporate and individual users, and offers the following products.
The primary guideline for Corporate Social Responsibility for 2017-2018, Mongolia's leading mobile operator, Mobicom Corporation :
Mobicom Corporation had recently adopted the Corporate Social Responsibility policy in 2014. Under this policy, Corporate Social Responsibility is set to be renewed every two years. In 2014-2016, Mobicom Corporate Social Responsibility's principal activities were to "Improve the quality of learning and living conditions of children and young people in Mongolia".
The above main directions are to bring hygiene and hygiene conditions for children living in remote areas of Mongolia to large cities and settlements in the remote regions of Mongolia and to reduce the spread of infectious diseases among students and to create healthy and child-friendly learning environments. Child rights and conservation services are being used to communicate using telecommunications technology. It is also possible to see the success of the Child Helpline 108 and the Hygiene and Hygiene Project and the Heart for all projects initiated by Mobicom Corporation to increase student activism and culture.
In the wake of the Gobi Bear-2016 program, the Gobi Bear Conservation Project was introduced to increase social responsibility. The only species in the Gobi desert is the Mazaalai, which is designed to improve the living conditions of these scarce species. We are cooperating and working together with the Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, WWF, the Institute of Biology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, the Zoological Society of London, the International Bear Bear Society, the Great Gobi Strictly Protected area.
Mobinet receives and resolves customer feedback and complaints at 2288 (from mobicom number), 75952288 (from other operators) and via e-mail at After solving customer complaints, CES (customer effort score) KPI is received from the customer at 132222 and continuously develops steps to improve operations.